Dana Gabrielle's NEXT Birthday Countdown..



September 8, 2008

Dana's Half-a-Year Old
Happy 1/2 Birthday Dana!!!

OUR Bundle of Joy and Everything makes her wish..

and gets a slice of her cake too!!!


10 years.

Even though we’ve changed and we’re all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we’ll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we’re not still friends.

Thanks for the friendship.
Here we go again...


Sexy Back

'I'm bringing sexy back

Them other boys don't know how to act

I think you're special whats behind your back

So turn around and i'll pick up the slack.

Take em' to the bridge..'

The Pianist At Work.

Do.. Re.. Mi..
Do.. Re.. Mi..
Do.. Re.. Mi.. Fa.. So.. La.. Ti.. Do..

Following the steps the like of Tori Amos or Imogen Heap or Sarah Slean.

For now, it's Dana Gabrielle.
She makes BEAUTIFUL music.



NO. Not that kind of shot.

It's for Dana-kind-of-shot.

Every month since Dana was born, we go to her Pediatrician for a regular monthly baby check-up. Dana's weight, length, and vital signs are checked. Part of the visit to her doctor is for her Immunization shots, which will help Dana strengthen her immune system.

countdown.. 60secondss.. 59..58..57..56.....

I'm a proud mom when it's time for Dana's shots. Quite a tough girl for her age. She only cries 1-minute flat! This happens only when her doctor starts to administer the vaccine, after that, she's all smiles. I wonder from whom she got that attitude? :o)

July 8 2008

I'm sad.
I'm restless.
I think I'll have an anxiety attack.
This can't be happening.

I can't find Dana's 4th Month Birthday pictures!!

If only there's a time machine..
I'd go back.

If my memory serves me right.. LEFT.