Dana Gabrielle's NEXT Birthday Countdown..



Dana meets Dana

"Hi Dana"..

"Hello Dana"..


From Friendster Bulletin - One

1)Does anybody call you baby?
♥ Sometimes.. baby-damulag :o)

2)Is your friendster set to private?
♥ Yes

3) Who's the most important person in your life?
♥ My family.

4) What does your last text say?
♥ Advised my IP add to my friend

5) How many piercings do you have?
♥ Two

6) Are you a morning person or a night person?
♥ Since I became a Mama, morning person :o)

7) Do you remember your dreams?
♥ Yes

8) What do you have to do before you sleep?
♥ Sponge bathe Dana Gabrielle

9) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
♥ Mama - she received pictures of her Grand Daughter already

10) Who was the last person you talked to in person?
♥ MHD people

11) Is someone mad at you right now?
♥ Hopefully none, but definitely one person hates me less :o)

12) Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex?
♥ It's a man's world in my world

13) Have you ever had a reptile as a pet?
♥ Not. Ewwww.

14) Who was your last missed call on your cell phone?
♥ Boyet

15) When was the last time you were sick?
♥ Ages ago. Which is good.

16) Have you ever finished a rubiks cube?
♥ One side, one color at a time.. hehe

17) When was the last time you rode a bike?
♥ 4 years ago - Don't Drink and Drive!!

18) Are you wearing socks right now?
♥ Nope

19) Do you like mornings?
♥ Yes, nothing beats waking up with Dana and Boyet beside me

20) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
♥ At work, in the Philippines, texting Niña (based in NJ) to check if she's okay

21) Will you donate organs after you pass?
♥ IF my organs are good enough, why not.

22) Have you been outside of the PHIL?
♥ Yep

23) Do you drink tea?
♥ Very seldom

24) Have you ever been arrested?
♥ Good thing NO.. hehe

25) Have you ridden in someone else's car recently?
♥ Kuya's, si UBE

26) Is your room clean?
♥ OUR room? Pretty tidy.. so far!

27) In the past 72 hours, have you been under the influence?
♥ Sober.. since July2. Thanks to WOC Geya :o)

28) What should you be doing?
♥ Sending my reports to my Boss. Heck!

29) What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
♥ She's a JOLOGS sister

30) Who do you hate?
♥ Hate is a strong word.. Do share? I dislike cheaters.

31) What do you wear to bed?
♥ Sleep wear? (if there is such hehe).. OH, bib pala for Dana's drool hehe

32) Has anyone gotten on your nerves lately?
♥ Yes

33) Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
♥ It's possible.

34) Any of your friends have the same name as you?
♥ Am the only one.. tho it would feel wierd calling my own name if there were :o)

Thanks Niña.


After the waiting game.


4 years

1,500 days.

36,000 hours.

2,160,000 minutes.

12,960,000 seconds.

It was definitely worth every year, days, hours, minutes and seconds of it.

I now have my friend back.. ( SIGH )

I missed her and I hope we'll have the chance to catch up on things.

Looking forward to hearing her stories.. sharing mine as well.

Think of slumber parties.. hihi

Then and again, indeed it's true:

Good things happen for those who wait :o)